About Us

Our Services bring a relevant, impactful message to insight your spirit to move as the Spirit of God moves. Filled with Godly principles, Spiritual comfort and the Love of Christ.
You will grow with us and be moved to Love and Serve God’s children.
Our Mission, Commitment, and vision:

Porch Chat where Carnality and Spiritually merge
Come join us every third Tuesday @ 7:00 PM CDT. For in depth topics that concerns our everyday living.
Send your questions to porchchat@porchville.org

Worship With Us
We are passionate about our family, how we grow our children, and how we interact with the community for Church outings.

Need Prayer?
There are times when life is overwhelming, when all we have is questions. In those moments, hope can feel far away. The great thing about prayer is that it shifts our perspective toward the One who stands ready to listen. No matter what you’re facing, we’d love to pray with you!